The Potcake Express is a name assigned to the rescue transport coordinated between many entities to bring three adorable puppies to Rescued Rollers from the Bahamas.
CEO and Master Dog Wrangler, John Lizotte teamed up with Premier Foster, Forest Dyer to travel to Paducah, Kentucky to meet the transport vehicle carrying Flynn, Roxie, and Xena.
09 22 2020
Today’s episode of The Potcake Express is brought to you by the letter ‘P’ and the number ‘3’.
All 3 of our potcakes made their 36-hour trip very well, and are now settled here with us in Ohio. Here are the current health conditions and immediate plans for each of the pups. We were able to speak with our veterinary team during our return trip with the pups and we’re feeling exceptionally hopeful that we will be able to help every one of them.
ROXANNE is approximately 4 months old. When found, she was missing roughly half of her rear leg and suffering from a very bad case of mange. It is thought that she was a street dog and rats may have chewed off that portion of her leg when she was a pup. She is also, understandably so, very timid/shy/scared of the human world that she recently joined. She seems much more comfortable with the company of other dogs more so than humans. Her and Flynn are more comfortable when they are together.
Roxanne will be vetted and evaluated for a rear leg prosthetic. She will need a lot of work on socialization and self-confidence in her new world. Roxi will be fostered with me personally for the foreseeable future. I have a few pups in my pack that always mother the ones that need it, and she won’t be going anywhere until she is the happy, healthy dog that I know she can be.
XENA is a feisty little love muffin. She is thought to be about 12 weeks old. She is missing a portion of her front leg. It is thought that rats may have chewed off that portion of her leg when she was a pup. She is the feistiest, most confident and outgoing of our three new pups.
Xena will be vetted and evaluated for a front leg prosthetic. She’ll be going to her foster family, Amanda & Kara, later today. They were the ladies that fostered Mr. Chico for us. She’ll be in great hands with them!
FLYNN, the youngest of our new additions, seems to be 7 or 8 weeks old. Flynn suffers from Swimmers Syndrome. The most obvious symptom of this is that he is unable to stand. His legs splay out to each side and he cannot stand on them. This is mostly a neuro-muscular issue that, in most cases, can be corrected with the proper physical therapy.
Flynn has been on his stomach his entire short life. His ribcage is flat, not rounded. However, he’s young. This will probably correct itself as we are able to get him up on his feet more. We’ve made plans for strengthening his legs using physical therapy and (temporarily) a quad wheelchair. We consulted with our veterinary staff during our drive home, and they are completely on board with the plans we have for Flynn. They feel, and we agree, that he was a wonderful chance for a full recovery given enough time and therapy.
He is one happy little guy. His tail never stops wagging. Flynn is staying here to comfort Roxanne this week and will go to his new fosters Beth & Forest Dyer this coming weekend. These are the same incredible fosters that took care of our little special-needs Petey, and have adopted our alumni Ms
I’d like to thank our friends at Bahamas Humane Society and BAARK! for the wonderful care they gave these pups before sending them to us. I’d also like to thank Ian Goodfellow for flying these pups from the Bahamas to Florida. And the team at Florida Urgent Rescue, Inc. – FUR for their incredible help with transport on such short notice: Mike Merrill, Melody Papola & family, and Caroline Cozens. They did a fantastic job of getting these pups to us safely. These fine folks did the bulk of the ground-transport to ease the burden on our Rescued Rollers volunteers as much as they could. I was honored to meet & work with them. Professionals – every single one of them.
We’ll have more updates as we all get settled and as things progress for these pups.
You make saving pups like The Potcake Express possible when you support Rescued Rollers and these other fine organizations. We couldn’t do this without you. Thank you for making it possible for us to save the pups that need us the most and to give them a better life. Together we are all making the world a better place.
09 21 2020 morning
Potcakes on board! 9 more hours on the road. Updates tonight! Love pups. All of them.
09 20 2020
Yesterday I had some last minute house guests, which Xena loved! And today they’re all on their way to West Palm Beach to start a long car journey to Ohio. Roxi and Xena are tripawds and Flynn has Swimmers syndrome. Special gratitude goes to Ian Goodfellow for their flight and Mike Merrill of Florida Urgent Rescue for transporting them across land! John Lizotte of Rescued Rollers, these babies will have a chance at a better life because of you and we cannot thank you enough.

09 19 2020
Travel arrangements have been made! Xena, Roxanne and
Flynn will be joining the Rescued Rollers family on Monday!
A lot of work went into getting this all in place. Thank you to Bahamas Humane Society, BAARK!, and Florida Urgent Rescue, Inc. – FUR for giving these pups a brand new start. All three organizations went out of their way to make this happen, and we’re always honored to work with them. Go follow their pages to see the incredible work they do.
I’d also like to thank our longterm volunteer/foster/adopter Forest Dyer for providing reliable transportation and helping with our end of the transport.
Watch for more updates on Monday! These guys are all so cute that you’re going to be overloaded with pictures. I just can’t help myself. lol.
09 15 2020
Many people are working very hard on travel arrangements to bring these two beautiful tripods into Rescued Rollers. Roxanne and Xena will be here just as soon as we can get them here
The rescue in the Bahamas wrote: Can you help Roxy and Xena? Both girls are tripods who we assume lost their legs to rats chewing them off when they were very young. Both girls have the opportunity to go to our friends at Rescued Rollers in Ohio to be assessed and maybe get prosthetic limbs. But we need to get them there. We’re looking for anyone flying as far north as possible who could take the girls, who are 13lbs and 8lbs respectively so they are small enough to travel in cabin. Please share to increase their chances of finding a flight Angel!