Potcake Xena
Beautiful warrior Xena came to Rescued Rollers from the Bahamas via the Potcake Express. She had a rough start in life as a street dog with only three legs, but life is going from rags to riches for this little girl!
09 29 2020
XENA will have her media debut this evening! We’re excited to be talking with Good News Galion at 7pm eastern time about the work we do to help these special needs pups. Tune in to the livestream on their page
https://www.facebook.com/goodnewsgalion at 7pm. I’ll try to post a link to the recorded interview for those of you that can’t watch the live broadcast.

09 26 2020
Here’s your Saturday smile. Tripod Xena is giving big sister Frankie all the grief she can handle.
09 25 2020
Xena at her foster home with big sister Frankie.
09 24 2020
our little tripod Xena is doing wonderfully in her foster home
09 22 2020
And…they’re off! Ms. Xena just went home with foster mom Kara. Kara and Amanda will give her more loving than she’ll know what to do with.
09 09 2020
Great news! Ms Xena is feeling better and got her first set of shots today! She weighed in at a whopping 6.5 pounds! lol. She’s ready to travel to us as soon as we can arrange to transport her and Roxanne in one trip! I’m hoping to have an update for you soon on when Roxanne will be cleared for travel, and when we can expect them both to arrive here from the Bahamas.
08 27 2020
Our little potcake Xena is delayed a week or so for medical reasons, but she’s still heading our way. Updates on Cory and possibly a 3rd tripod pup should happen later today. Xena was at the vets today and I thought you might like to see these cute pictures of her from our good friends in the Bahamas.

The Rescue in the Bahamas wrote:
Hi guys! Xena the tripawd Potcake puppy here 

Well I finally got to the vet and guess what?! I weigh 4.5lbs!!
told you I was tiny but mighty!

Unfortunately I couldn’t get my first shots because I’ve developed this annoying wheezy cough…don’t worry, it’s not the ‘Rona 

But the great news is once I’m cleared to travel the wonderful people @rescuedrollers want to fly me to Ohio and fit me with a prosthetic! I’ll be four legged once again!!
We’re trying to raise money for the journey and the prosthetic so if you can donate, any amount is appreciated. Please say it’s for Xena when you send it. Much love and gratitude, Xena
08 21 2020
Working on a few things for Rescued Rollers today. Still waiting on more details, but how cute is this little tripod? Her name is Xena, and we can probably get her fitted for a prosthetic if she comes to us. We’ve reached out to her shelter.
UPDATE: Just spoke with the shelter. She can join the Rescued Rollers pack if we can arrange transportation for her from Florida to somewhere near Ohio. Working on that now! If anyone is travelling that way in the next several weeks and would like a very cute travelling companion, please let us know.
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- Be a Superhero and help us save these special pups.