Potcake Roxie
Potcake pup Roxie came to Rescued Rollers on the Potcake Express. She’s from the Bahamas and started life as a street dog with lots and lots of medical issues to overcome. She had mange, lost a leg, and was quite underweight when she was first rescued. Look at the progress this timid girl has made.
10 03 2020
More progress with Roxanne today. She whines when she can’t see John. Even though she’s loose, she’s started to follow him around the yard.
10 01 2020
We continue to make progress with our beautiful tripod potcake, Roxanne. Watch till the end. The end really shows you the progress we’ve made.
09 29 2020
We’re making progress with our super nervous Roxanne. She still won’t let anyone else near her, but she’s really starting to trust John.
09 27 2020
09 25 2020
09 03 2020
My little lady is becoming so much more trusting. We have a special handling blanket and she feels so comfortable being held in it. very excited for her future at Rescued Rollers.
09 02 2020

Well, say hello to Roxanne. She’s another tripod that was brought into the
at about the same time and in very rough shape. The wonderful folks there are working very hard to get her healthy enough to travel, and they’ll be sending her our way, as well. She only weighs about 10 pounds, and is missing a good portion of her rear leg. We’re going to see if she’s a good candidate for a rear prosthetic.