Help on wheels: Ohio couple’s carts help disabled dogs stay mobile – Columbus Dispatch
The Columbus, Ohio newspaper, The Dispatch, featured Rescued Rollers in the April 18, 2019 edition.

It was duty that brought John and Noel Lizotte to the Pickaway County Dog Shelter on April 5, summoned through the couple’s nonprofit charity, Rescued Rollers. John refurbishes and outfits mobility carts — think tiny wheelchairs —
Help on wheels: Ohio couple’s carts help disabled dogs stay mobile for dogs with disabilities and donates them to rescues and shelters to save animals otherwise likely destined for death

The complete article can be read by clicking on the download link below.
Additionally, the Dispatch sent a videographer with the reporter. The video was shared on the Dispatch’s website.
The social media post on Facebook garnered additional shares and comments. Including a request for a wheelchair for an 11 year old German Shepherd Dog service dog who cares for a 97 year old grandmother. (watch for more details on that story to come!)